Verification & Validation
Introduction to the field of verification and validation for the newcomers.
Overall description
The purpose of this paper is to document the research conducted in the field
of verification and validation.
The research was performed during the course "Verification and Validation" at
Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden.
Problem description
This paper is divided into three parts. The first is a summary of the report
"Safety-Critical Systems, Formal Methods and Standards" by Jonathan Bowen and
Victoria Stavridou. We present what we see as the main points from the report.
The second part is a critical review of the report from our own view on the
subject. The last part contains an evaluation from Fenton,
Kitchenham, Tichy and Hamlet's point of view.
File: The Requirement engenering report (pdf)
Java and AspectJ |
Example of Linked lists and Huffman coding. |
Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming. |
The game Tetris made in AspectJ. |
Artificial Intelligence |
Optimizing Genetic Algorithms for time critical problems. |
Requirement and V&V |
How to handle requirements when developing market driven products? |
Which technique is best? |
Introduction to the field of verification and validation for the newcomers. |
Computer Science |
An overview of how RAID works. |
What good is the technology if it too complex to use? |