Human Computer Interaction
What good is the technology if it too complex to use?
It is always hard to understand some ones else’s position but human computer
interaction is all about just that, understating how the user sees your user
interface. But it is very important to learn how and why HCI is so important
and it gets more and more important too because the computers gets more into
our every days work and are not just a tool for professors any more. So from
the way just a few years ago with only a few computers will we see computer
and computer interfaces everywhere. From the kitchen to cars. But not everyone
knows HCI as good as you can expect, just brows the internet for a few minutes
and you fill see a lot of examples of horrible interfaces, not just personal
sites but also big companies.
File: The hci report (pdf)
Java and AspectJ |
Example of Linked lists and Huffman coding. |
Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming. |
The game Tetris made in AspectJ. |
Artificial Intelligence |
Optimizing Genetic Algorithms for time critical problems. |
Requirement and V&V |
How to handle requirements when developing market driven products? |
Which technique is best? |
Introduction to the field of verification and validation for the newcomers. |
Computer Science |
An overview of how RAID works. |
What good is the technology if it too complex to use? |