Tetris in AspectJ
I made this game as a part of my study of AspectJ. You can run the game booth with
and without the Aspects to see what happens. If you want to know anything about the
implementation you can download the report.
The first file is the Tetris itself, with all images, java files and so on. You will
need to download AspectJ to compile it. The second file is the report I wrote about
the game and how the code works.
File: Tetris in AspectJ (Java)
File: Tetris in AspectJ (pdf)
Java and AspectJ |
Example of Linked lists and Huffman coding. |
Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming. |
The game Tetris made in AspectJ. |
Artificial Intelligence |
Optimizing Genetic Algorithms for time critical problems. |
Requirement and V&V |
How to handle requirements when developing market driven products? |
Which technique is best? |
Introduction to the field of verification and validation for the newcomers. |
Computer Science |
An overview of how RAID works. |
What good is the technology if it too complex to use? |