The hardware is quite simple. A Maple board from Leaf Labs is used as the main board.
The LED strip is a HL1606 controlled LED strip from Adafruit. The
images is stored on a SD Card, interfaced with SPI.
User input is from a potentiometer, a button and a 2-way button. You set the speed with the potentiometer, select the
image with the 2-way button and fire of the image with the normal button.
A 6V lantern battery is used to power everything. A LM1084IT-5.0 is used to get the 5V needed for the light strip.
The Maple board has built in power regulator for 3.3V.
1. Light Painting Stick
2. Hardware
3. Software
Stuff |
Building a split flap display. |
Showing time/date with words. |
For reflow soldering. |
Show the nightly build status. |
Paint images with light. |
Vårat vattenkylnings projekt.(Swe only) |
Some useful and cool links. |